Помогите пожалуйста!
Заполните второй предложение так, чтобы оно имело такое же значение, что и первое.



Ответ дал: m7mad

2 we should have kept

3 should have not spoken

4 didnt need to queue

5 he wouldnt had

6 should have told me

Ответ дал: 1nothing1

1. You hadn't call me.

2. We didn't keep contact touch with each other.

3. You spoken bad to your mother like that.

4. We didn't need to queue because we'd......

5. ......., he wouldn't had such a great time.

6. You should tell me what had happened.

Всё , думаю ,что смогла вам помочь !!

Вас заинтересует