Complete the sentences with nouns or adjectives formed from the words in brackets.
1. He`s a good songwriter, but not an especially good ____ (perform).
2. Have you seen that new ____ (music)? I loved the songs and the dancing is great.
3. When I was in London I saw an ___ (exhibit) of African art.
4. My cousin is studying at the Royal College of Music: he wants to be a ____ (conduct).
5. There`s an ____ (excite) new quiz show on TV.
6. My neighbor is an artist. Right now she`s worling on a huge new ____ (sculp).


Ответ дал: OlegSac

1. He's a good songwriter, but not a particularly good architect.

2. Have you seen anything new in music? I loved the songs and the dancing was great.

3. I saw an exhibition of African art in London.

4. My cousin goes to the Royal College of music: he wants to be a conductor.

5. There are moments exciting new TV quiz on TV.

6. My neighbor is an artist. Now she is working on a huge new sculpture.

Не благодари)

Ответ дал: Ayaro


2. musician

3. exhibition

4. conductor

5. exciting

6. sculpture

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