who is speaking with the teacher?​


Ответ дал: anzhelika1312

кто говорит с учителем?

fr6t: вопросы
Ответ дал: alisiya1957

I am speaking with the teacher.

You are speaking with the teacher.

He is  speaking with the teacher.

She is speaking with the teacher.

We are speaking with the teacher.

They are speaking with the teacher.

fr6t: Who is meeting the mother? 2) who is opening the window? 3) who is translating the text?
anzhelika1312: she is meeting the mother. He is opening the window. I'm translating the text.
anzhelika1312: просто добавляеш i'm she it he they are где im там просто а хи ши ит ис идет а зей идет ар
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