people go on holiday in their own country with 1 family
or friends, and spend time on beaches or sightseeing in cities.
They’re more interested in relaxing than doing anything else.
However, there are some people who love to travel all 2
time. They give up their normal lives and have adventures such
3 going to Australia for a year, or travelling around Africa.
If they run out of money, 4 find
work in bars and restaurants, or they teach English to local
people. They don’t care about having careers at home or earning
lots 5 money. They only want 6 have the experience
of travelling.
So why do people
love travelling so 7 ? If you’re travelling alone, it’s 8
great way to meet new and interesting people. You can learn
9 different cultures, eat new food and practise a new
language. More 10 anything, travel gives you memories
that you have forever.
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Ответ дал: AlexanderReutov


people go on holiday in their own country with 1 their family

or friends, and spend time on beaches or sightseeing in cities.

They’re more interested in relaxing than doing anything else.

However, there are some people who love to travel all 2the

time. They give up their normal lives and have adventures such

3as going to Australia for a year, or travelling around Africa.

If they run out of money, 4they find

work in bars and restaurants, or they teach English to local

people. They don’t care about having careers at home or earning

lots 5of money. They only want 6to have the experience

of travelling.

So why do people

love travelling so 7much ? If you’re travelling alone, it’s 8a

great way to meet new and interesting people. You can learn

9about different cultures, eat new food and practise a new

language. More 10than anything, travel gives you memories

that you have forever.

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