Помогите с тестом пожалуйста!

1.If Sandy …English , she … a good job.

spoke , would get
speak, get
speaks, get
spoke, got

2.If it snows, the children … a snowman.

will make
would make
will learn

3.If I ….. you, I …. to the police

were, will go
were, would go
am, would go
were, go

4.If I ... in the country, I ... a big house.

live, will have
would have, live
live, have
lived, would have

5. If my children … in the playground, they … very thirsty.

run , become
run, would have been become
had run,become
run, would become

6.If I ... Pete , I’ll tell him about you.

had seen
have see


Ответ дал: Asmartperson8

1 spoke, would get

2 will make

3 were, would go

4 lived, would have

5 run, would become

6 see

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