1. выбрать один из вариантов
1) This is ... egg.
a) an
b) a
2) This is my schoolbag... is red.
a) It
b) She
c) He
3) Bill ... TV every evening.
a) watchs b) is watching c) watches
4) ... you German?
a) Is
b) Are
c) Am
5) Look at Sam! He ... computer games.
a) plays b) is playing c)play
6) Lisa and Betty ... got a big house.
a) doesn't b) has
c) have
7) These are....
a) childs b)children c) child
8) My flat is on the ... floor.
a) three b) third
c) thirteen


Ответ дал: shkjhvc269
1) а)
2) а)
3) с)
4) б)
5) б)
6) с)
7) б)
8) б)
Ответ дал: asknife

1.a 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.b

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