Напишите о его планах, используя конструкцию to be going to.
1. I … (move) to London.
2. I … (fly) to the Moon.
3. I … (marry) at 25.
4. We … (have) three kids.
5. My wife … (become) a famous actress.
6. My wife and children … (travel) all over the world.
7. We … (eat) in restaurants every day.
8. I … (open) a flying school in England.
Исправьте предложения:
1. We are go to check it out.
2. He left the town and didn’t tell where he was go.
3. She going to stay with Regina for a little while.
4. We will going to try and draw you into a conversation about film making. They is not going to
5. hide forever.
6. He isn’t go to pay anything for me.
7. I am the one who are going to that cave.
8. He go to publish photos of me.
1. Уже 8 часов! Джейн опоздает на автобус.
2. Майкл собирается потратить много денег?
3. Я хочу купить квартиру и не собираюсь покупать дом.
4. Я собирался вернуться и спросить его.
5. Похоже, мы собираемся в путешествие.
Write the questions to the words in bold type.
1. Next summer I’m going to Britain.
2. Liz’s going to Kongo in July.
3. He’s going to Russia by train.
4. She’s going to stay on the farm.
5. I’m going to the beach?


Ответ дал: Syuzipalulyan

1. I'm going to move to London.

2. I'm going to fly to the Moon.

3. I'm going to marry at 25.

4. We're going to have three kids.

5. My wife's going to become a famous actress.

6. My wife and children's going to travel all over the world.

7. We're going to eat in restaurants every day.

8. I'm going to open a flying school in England.

olyarybkina78: можно все задания пожалуйста
Syuzipalulyan: только это могла сделать, избините
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