Complete the sentences using so / neither
1.American football was started in the 19 century. ... ... basketball.
2.Russian prople don't play cricket. ... ... the Americans.
3.Baseball is a very popular sport in the USA. ... ... in Canada.
4.I wouldn;t like to visit tennis toyrnament in Wimbledon. ... ... my friends.

Lisa01: Срочно!!!


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. American football was started in the 19th century. Neither was basketball.
2. Russian people don't play cricket. So do the Americans.
3. Baseball is a veryy popular sport in the USA. So is in Canada.
4. I wouldn't like to visit tennis tournament in Wimbledon. So are my friends.

nivinna: и здесь вы плодите свои ошибки?! почему эту чушь не удаляют????
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