Read these sentences and choose have to, has to or had to.
Write one variant into each sentence.
Don’t use capital letters and full stops.

1. Steve doesn’t understand much French. You ____ speak very slowly to him.

2. We _____ walk home last night. There were no buses.

3. The train doesn’t go all the way to London. You _____ change at Bristol.


Ответ дал: brainly74
1) you have to
2) had to
3) have to

horse81: ужасно
Dreaming3038: ??
brainly74: Horse, на себя посмотри. Все, что нужно было в задании, я отметила. Что то не нравится ? Отвечай сам-(а)
horse81: ахаххаах
horse81: шутк
brainly74: Браво
Ответ дал: spectrovitchs

1) have to

2) had to

3) have to

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