. Complete these sentences with me, you, her, him, it, us or them:
1. I can’t open this door. Could you open ………. for me, please?
2. Those shoes are really nice. I’d like to buy ………. .
3. “Did you see Jonathon last night?” No, I phoned ………. but he wasn’t there.”
4. I can’t do this homework. Can you help ……….?
5. I asked ………. a question but you didn’t answer ………. .
6. We’re not ready. Please give ………. some more time.
7. I’m sorry about your birthday. I’m afraid I forgot about ………. .
8. She speaks very quickly. I can’t understand ………. .
9. Jill’s a very nice woman. Do you know ……….?
10. My parents are coming this weekend. Would you like to meet ……….?
11. They are not married now. She left ………. a year ago.
12. “Where is your passport?” “I don’t know. I can’t find ………. .”
13. My mother writes to me every week but I don’t write to ………. very often.
14. Were you at the meeting last night? I didn’t see ………. there.
15. We want to help you. Please tell ………. about your problems.
Ex. 3. Translate the word combinations using possessive pronouns:
Его брат, его сестра, наш университет, их учеба, моя книга, твоя мама, ваши учебники, твой факультет, наши знания, мой выходной день.
Ex. 4. Complete the sentences using a, an or the:
1. I bought ……… sandwich and ……… piece of cake. ……… sandwich was all right but cake was horrible.
2. ……… woman and two men were here a few minutes ago. I think ……… woman wanted to see you.
3. They’ve got ……… dog and ……… cat, ……… rabbit and some goldfish but the children like ……… dog best.
4. He sent me two letters and ……… postcard two days ago. ……… postcard didn’t say much but ……… letters were very interesting.
5. You can have ……… apple or ……… orange. ……… apples are nice and sweet.
6. There’s ……… plum tree and ……… peach tree in our garden. ……… peach tree doesn’t’ produce many peaches but ……… plum tree produces lots of plums every year.
7. There’s ……… theatre and two cinemas in town but one of ……… cinemas is closing down.
8. There’s ……… train at 2.00 and one at 3.30. ……… 2.00 train takes two hours and ……… 3.30 train takes ……… hour and ……… half.
Ex. 5. Complete the sentences using a, an, some or any:
1. Have you got ……… juice in the fridge?
2. There are ……… letters on the floor.
3. I had ……… cup of tea but I didn’t have ……… toast.
4. You need ……… flour and ……… egg.
5. I’d like ……… rice but I don’t want ……… potatoes.
6. Would you like ……… bowl of soup?
7. He gave me ……… tea but he didn’t put ……… sugar in it.
8. There are ……… nice trees in the garden but there aren’t ……… flowers.
9. Can I have ……… glass of orange juice?
10. There are knives and forks on the table but there isn’t ………salt or pepper.


Ответ дал: Аноним

Первое задание

  1. it
  2. them
  3. him
  4. me
  5. you/it
  6. us
  7. it
  8. her
  9. her
  10. them
  11. him
  12. it
  13. her
  14. you
  15. us

Второе зад.

  1. his brother
  2. his sister
  3. our university
  4. their studying
  5. my book
  6. your mother
  7. your books
  8. your
  9. our knowledge
  10. my weekend

Третье задание

  1. а/а/the
  2. a/the
  3. a/a/a/the
  4. a/the/the

Аноним: 5) a/an/the
Аноним: 6)a
Аноним: 7) a/the
Аноним: 8) не знаю..
Аноним: 9)а
lusya07022008: в третьем задании 8 предложений
lusya07022008: жду ответы на последнее задание
Аноним: ??
Аноним: 10) the
Аноним: это последнее задание
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