Dear Grandma and Grandpa
Greetings from Greece. We're
having a great time here.
The hotel's fantastic and the
weather's great.
Dad's windsurfing with the local
club at the moment. Tony's
playing golf with Steve. They're
enjoying it a lot. I'm on the
beach now. Mum is swimming
and I'm sunbathing. It's fun.
See you soon.
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Ответ дал: 16ksu04

Dear grandma and grandpa . Hello from Japan. We  have a great time here.  The hotel is lovely and  the weather is fine.  Brother draws a picture at the exhibition at the moment. My parents went shopping. They  they want to make dinner. I want to go to the carnival. Amy's rehearsing her dance.  It's beautiful.  See you soon.


next3390: спасибо прям от души чувак ты меня очень выручил
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