Пронумеруй следующие реплики в порядке их очерёдности так, чтобы получился
a) No, just a few minutes.
b) Certainly. What's the matter?
c) Walk straight on and then turn left.
d) We are going to the zoo. Is it a long way from here?
e) Thank you very much.
f) You're welcome.
g) Excuse me, can you help me?
h) How do we get there?


Ответ дал: Nelia2019

g) Excuse me, can you help me?

b) Certainly. What's the matter?

d) We are going to the zoo. Is it a long way from here?

a) No, just a few minutes.

h) How do we get there?

c) Walk straight on and then turn left.

e) Thank you very much.

f) You're welcome.

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