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Ответ дал: dimaniko

Short adjectives: cleaner, bigger, dirtier, prettier, quieter, safer.

Long adjectives: more dangerous, more popular, more expensive.

Irregular: bad- worse, good- better, far- farther.

vika27030695: поможешь ещё
vika27030695: ??
dimaniko: ну давай, попробую
dimaniko: Только как ты скинешь
vika27030695: London is bigger than Paris. (small) Paris is smaller than London. 1)The library is older than the cinema.(modern) The cinema... 2) The bus station is nearer than the train station. (far) The train station... 3) These houses are more expensive than those flats. (cheap) Those flats... 4) Geneva is quieter than New York. (noisy) New York..5 )The sports centre is cleaner than the shopping centre. (dirty) The shopping centre ...6) The swimming pool is safer than the river (dangerous) The river...
vika27030695: Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. Это ЗАДАНИЕ ЧТО НУЖНО СДЕЛАТЬ
vika27030695: сможешь????
vika27030695: ау
vika27030695: а если не поймёшь просто зайди на мою страницу и там будет это задание
ValeraDavay: Помогите пожалуйста с английским: 1) https://znanija.com/task/32168450 2) https://znanija.com/task/32168461 3) https://znanija.com/task/32168479 4) https://znanija.com/task/32168495 5) https://znanija.com/task/32168500 6) https://znanija.com/task/32168511 7) https://znanija.com/task/32168531 8) https://znanija.com/task/32168538 9) https://znanija.com/task/32168549
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