Вставить some\any.

1. There is ______ bread on the table.

2. Are there ______ oranges in the bag?

3. There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.

4. There are______ flowers in the vase.

5. There aren’t ______ carrots in the fridge.

6. There is ______ coffee in the cup.

7. Is there ______ cheese in the fridge?

8. There are ______ grapes on the plate.

9. They've got ______ cakes in this shop.

10. Can I have ________ potatoes, please.

Вставить артикль a\an, где необходимо.

1. Can I have __ apple, please?

2. __ water is __ drink.

3. Do you want __ banana?

4. Give him __ present.

5. Mother buys me __ stickers.

6. Do you want __ orange?

7. Have you got __ crayons?

8. Does she like __ tomato juice?

9. My sister likes __ milk.

10. Lena, please give me __ apricot.

Выбрать few\a few\little\a little

1. A few/few people swim in the sea in the winter.

2. He went out a few/few minutes ago.

3. Can I speak to you for a few/few minutes?

4. There were a few/few guests at the party. The hosts were unhappy.

5. I’m going shopping. I need to buy a few/few things for tonight’s party.

6. I need a little/little Can you lend me some?

7. I can’t wait for you. I’ve got a little/little

8. You have a little/little time to finish the test. You must write faster.

9. I have a little/little free time for hobbies because I work a lot.

10. You don’t have to hurry. There is a little/little traffic at this time of the day.

Вставить much\many\a lot of

1. I have got ______________ friends.

2. I see ___________ cars in the street.

3. Have you got _________ books?

4. We don’t have __________ books at home.

5. In the park you can see _________ trees.

6. We don’t have _________ apple trees in the garden.

7. Do not drink _________ coffee in the evening.

8. There is __________ snow in winter in Russia.

9. We don’t get __________ snow in winter.

10. Children must drink __________ milk.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 Вставить some\any.

1. There is some bread on the table.

2. Are there any oranges in the bag?

3. There isn’t any cheese in the fridge.

4. There are some flowers in the vase.

5. There aren’t any carrots in the fridge.

6. There is some coffee in the cup.

7. Is there any cheese in the fridge?

8. There are some grapes on the plate.

9. They've got some cakes in this shop.

10. Can I have some potatoes, please? (это просьба, поэтому some не меняется на any)

2 Вставить артикль a\an, где необходимо.

1. Can I have an apple, please?

2. Water is a drink.

3. Do you want a banana?

4. Give him a present.

5. Mother buys me _stickers.

6. Do you want an orange?

7. Have you got _crayons?

8. Does she like _tomato juice?

9. My sister likes _milk.

10. Lena, please give me an apricot.

3 Выбрать few\a few\little\a little

1. Few people swim in the sea in the winter.

2. He went out a few minutes ago.

3. Can I speak to you for a few minutes?

4. There were few guests at the party. The hosts were unhappy.

5. I’m going shopping. I need to buy a few things for tonight’s party.

6. I need a little ...(money?) Can you lend me some?

7. I can’t wait for you. I’ve got little time.

8. You have little time to finish the test. You must write faster.

9. I have little free time for hobbies because I work a lot.

10. You don’t have to hurry. There is a little traffic at this time of the day.

4 Вставить much\many\a lot of

1. I have got a lot of friends.

2. I see a lot of cars in the street.

3. Have you got many books?

4. We don’t have many books at home.

5. In the park you can see a lot of trees.

6. We don’t have many apple trees in the garden.

7. Do not drink much coffee in the evening.

8. There is a lot of snow in winter in Russia.

9. We don’t get much snow in winter.

10. Children must drink a lot of milk.

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