Здравствуйте,помогите по анг.языку Tag questions.(+-) СПАСИБО!!!!
1.Tigers are dangerous animals....?
2.Ann likes oranges...?
3.The film was very interesting...?
4.My brother cfn ride a bike...?
5.All students were busy yesterday...?
6.Sharks arent mammals...?
7.Next summer the children will go to the country....?
8.Bill doesnt like milk...?
9.We must wear school uniform...?
10.Matrs is difficult....?
11.Tom is never late for school...?
12.There isnt a carpet on the floor...?
13.Your sister will do the shopping...?
14.Boys made a snowman....?
15.His car wasnt very expensive....?
16.My brother has got a new mobile phone....?
17.John played basketball last week...?
18.There is a picture on the wall...?
19.People dont fly...?
20.Simon hasnt got a book...?
21.There are cushions on the sofa....?
22.Monkeyea eat bananas...?


Ответ дал: AlesyaD


1 aren't they

2 doesn't she

3 wasn't it

4 can't he

5 weren't they

6 are they

7 won't they

8 does he

9 mustn't we

10 isn't it

11 isn't he

12 is there

13 won't she

14 didn't they

15 was it

16 hasn't he

17 didn't he

18 isn't there

19 do they

20 has he

21 aren't there

22 doesn't it

1574577: Помогите пожалуйста с англиским. мой последний вопрос.
ozr: 11.is he
ozr: 22.do they
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