задайте общий специальный альтернативный и разделительный вопросы 1)she is a student 2)He speaks English well 3)They have many books 4)They were in many countries​


Ответ дал: vikatish


1)she is a student  

Is she a student?

What's she doing?

Is she a student or a pupil?

She is a student, isn`t she?

2)He speaks English well.

Does he speak English well?

How does he speak English?

Does he speak English or Spanish well?

He speaks English well, doesn`t he?

3)They have many books

Do they have many books?

What do they have?

Do they have many books or pens?

They have many books, don`t they?

4)They were in many countries

Were they in many countries?

Where were they?

Were they in many countries or cities?

They were in many countries, weren`t they?

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