описать что есть в холодильнике с much/some/any/many/ a few/ a little

10 предложений!!!! 1!1!!1!1



Ответ дал: slyuda1955

There is much milk in the fridge.

There are some sausages in the fridge.

There isn't any juice in the fridge.

There are many carrots in the fridge.

There is a little ice-cream in the fridge.

There are a few eggs in the fridge.

There are many cucumbers in the fridge.

There are a few oranges in the fridge.

There is a little butter in the fridge.

There is much oil in the fridge.

kristi8863: СППСИБООО ОГРОМНОЕ!!!!!!!!!
slyuda1955: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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