Составь 5 общих и 5 специальных вопросов с there is there are


Ответ дал: AlesyaD

How many chairs are there in theclass? - There are 20 chairs inthe class.

How many apples are thereon the plate? - There are six apples on the plate.

How many tables are there in the room? - There  is one table in the room.

Who is there in the room? - There is a boy in the room.

What is there near the window? - There is a sofa near the window.

Is there a piano in the room?

Are there any pictures on the wall?

Is there a wardrobe in your room?

Are there many boys and gorls in the park?

Are the two little trees in the garden?

Ответ дал: vikatish


Are there a lot of flowers in the garden?

Are there many apples on the tree?

Is there a cat under the bed?

Is there a book in the bag?

Are there many pupils in the class?

Why is there a book in the bag?

How long are there pencils on the table?

Where is there a library?

What is there near the box?

What are there in the bookcase?

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