Помогите пожалуйста, очень нужно.

Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме:


There are some students in the classroom. — Are there any students in the classroom?

There are some students in the classroom. — There are no students in the classroom.

1. There is some bread on the plate.
2. I can see some people in the park.
3. There are some new buildings in our street.
4. I want some milk in my coffee.
5. I have got some free time today.
6. They have got some questions.
7. She buys some products in this shop.
8. Mother gives the children some bread and butter.


Ответ дал: nuriamaratkyzy

1.There is not any bread in the plate

Is there any bread on the plate?

2.I can not see any people in the park .

Can I see any people in the park?

3.There are not any buildings in our street.

Are there any buildings in our street?

4.I do not want any milk in my coffee.

Do I want any milk in my coffee?

5.I have not got any free time today.

Have I got any free time today?

6.They have not got any questions.

Have they got any questions?

7.She does not buy any products in this shop.

Does she buy any products in this shop?

8.Mother does not give the children any bread and butter.

Does mother give the children any bread and butter?

nuriamaratkyzy: Можете отметить ответ как лучшее?
ivarmy2016: С радостью, а как?
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