Put the verb in brackets ( ) into the correct tense (Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Past simple).

1. A: How long …you… (know) Sally?
B: For three months.
2. A: When …you … (meet) her?
B: In July.
3. A: That’s a nice watch.
B: Yes, I … (buy) it when I was in Switzerland.
4. A: It’s ten o’clock. How long …you … … (play) that computer game?
B: Three hours so far!
5. A: I … … (be) ill for a few days.
B: Are you feeling any better now?
6. A: Paula … (live) in Africa when she was a child.
7. I’m very tired because I … … … (not sleep) for twenty-four hours.
8. We … (stay) in Tenerife for our holiday four years ago.
9. A: I … … … (not see) you for ages. How are you?
B: I’m really well, thanks.
10. A: Pat … … … (do) yoga since she was twenty.
B: I can see that. She’s really good.
11. Kate … … … (work) here for nine months but she’s leaving next week.


Ответ дал: zorbing


1. have you known; 2. did you meet; 3. bought; 4. have you been playing; 5. have been; 6. lived; 7. haven't been sleeping; 8. stayed; 9. haven't seen; 10. has been doing; 11. has been working


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