• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: elena496943715
  • Вопрос задан 6 лет назад

Помогитеееее срочно!!!!!!!!!!!! 1). Tick the sentences which are correct. Rewrite the sentences which have a mistake.
1 Have you got any grapes? ✓
2 There's влу pork in the fridge, t There's some pork m the fridge
3 There aren’t any water on the table.
A I want some chicken, but I don’t want any rice.
5 We haven't got some ham, but we’ve got some beef.
6 There are some butter in this sandwich.
7 There’s some fruit on the table, but there aren’t some oranges.
8 I need to buy some eggs, but I haven’t got any money.​


Ответ дал: staysvyat


Пошаговое объяснение:

There's влу pork in the fridge, t There's some pork m the fridge

A I want some chicken, but I don’t want any rice.

There are some butter in this sandwich.

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