Must / have to
1. You … never talk to strangers.
a) Mustn’t
b) Must
c) Haven’t to
d) Have to
2. No, you … leave the car here – this is a ”no parking” zone.
a) Mustn’t
b) Don’t have to
c) Must
d) Have to
3. You … bring all your documents – your passport will be enough.
a) Mustn’t
b) Don’t have to
c) Must
d) Have to
4. Last autumn we … move to a cheaper flat.
a) Must
b) Did must
c) Had
d) Had to
5. What … do to get her money back?
a) Will she must
b) She will must
c) Will she have to
d) She will have to
6. I … the washing by hands because the washing machine is out of order.
a) Have to do
b) Must do
c) Have do
d) Must to do
7. I’m afraid you … at once or I’ll call the police.
a) Have to go
b) Must go
c) Had to go
d) Must going
8. He … look after his brothers since their mother died.
a) Must
b) Has to
c) Has had to
d) Has must
9. We … get up very early tomorrow as we’re arriving at five in the morning.
a) Must
b) Will must
c) Will have
d) Will have to
10. You really … have a week out of the city every half year.
a) Have had to
b) Must
c) Have to
d) Have must


Ответ дал: vertu345

1.must 2.mustn't 3.don't have to 4.had to 5.will she have to 6.have to 7.must go 8.has had to 9.will have to 10.must

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