1.What was the weather like in London?

2. Name one day when it was chilly.

3. How many days were rainy? Name them.

4. What kind of weather does the city have most often?

2. Look at the pictures and match them to the sentences.


A (картинка которая на фото )

B (картинка которая на фото )

C (картинка которая на фото )

D (картинка которая на фото )

E (картинка которая на фото )

F (картинка которая на фото )

1. It is ..... . Tom hears a sound of thunder and sees a lightining.

2. It’s ... . He is running in the park.

3. It’s ... . Tom is playing on the beach.

4. It is ... . Tom's father can't drive a car.

5. It’s ... Tom and Helen can’t go on walking.

6. It’s heavy ..... Tom's parents go out and they have got one umbrella.




Ответ дал: GermanFan


1 задание

1. It was changing all the time. Sunday and Friday were sunny days, but other ones were rainy and nasty.

2. Monday

3. Four days were rainy. It were Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

4. Rainy weather.

2 задание

  1. F
  2. A
  3. E
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C


GermanFan: только если оно небольшое, у меня времени мало)
Аноним: 4. Put questions to the missing words.

1. The weather is ... in England. (How?)
2. It is warmer ... in England. (When?)
3. May month is the best time to visit... (Where?)
4. The ... turns into yellow in September and October. (What?)

5. Match the halves.
1. The climate of England is
2. Summer season
3. September is called
4. In England temperature rises
5. It often rains
6. In England a good topic
Аноним: Ок, я сейчас задали вопрос
Аноним: 4 сделай только
Аноним: Плиз
Аноним: Помоги
Аноним: Я сам смог сделать!)
GermanFan: извини, не смогла к компу подойти) Молодец! Но вот на всякий случай)
GermanFan: 1. How's the weather in England?
GermanFan: 2. When is it warmer in England? 3. Where May is the best month to visit? 4. What turns into yellow in September and October?
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