Fill in the article (a/an or the) where it’s necessary.
1)…A. Christie is … famous English writer.
2) My brother is … lawyer. His friends are … lawyers too.
3) When I was in … country last summer I lived on … farm.… farm wasn’t large but it was nice.
4) Would you like … glass of juice? – Yes, please.
5) Will you go to … art gallery she told us about?
6) She has got … son and … daughter.… son is learning … English … daughter is studying Maths.


Ответ дал: kaprizulichka08
1)…A. Christie is A famous English writer.
2) My brother is …A lawyer. His friends are … lawyers too.
3) When I was in THE country last summer I lived on A farm. THE farm wasn’t large but it was nice.
4) Would you like A glass of juice? – Yes, please.
5) Will you go to THE art gallery she told us about?
6) She has got A son and A daughter. THE son is learning … English THE daughter is studying Maths.
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