I. Страдательный залог

А. Выберите вариант:

1. Don’t enter the classroom, the students … there.

a. are being examined b. are examined c. examine d. are examining

2. … the doctor … for yet?

a. Has, sent b. Was, sent c. Has, been sent d. Did, send

3. This country … into 2 parts by a river.

a. divides b. is divided c. is dividing d. divide

4. The composition … yesterday.

a. was written b. is written c. has been written d. was wrote

5. This film … on TV next week.

a. will be showing b. will shown c. will show d. will be shown

6. When the journalists arrived the will … .

a. was being read b. was read c. was reading d. read

7. … that the President will be here on Saturday.

a. It says b. It is said c. It said d. Is said

8. The lecturer … with great interest.

a. is listening to b. is being listened c. is listening d. is being listened to

9. The problem … at the next meeting.

a. will be discussed b. will discussed c. will be discussing d. will discuss

10. When … we … to the museum?

a. will, taken b. will be, taken c. will, be taken d. will, take
Ребят помогите пожалуст


Ответ дал: AlfaStudent

Ответ: 1-d 2-c 3-b 4-d 5-d 6-c 7-a 8-b 9-a 10-c


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