Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. First Conditional
If life expectancy increases (increase), people will have to (have to) work longer.
1 The air ___________ (be) cleaner if we ___________ (use) public transport.
2 If unemployment ___________ (go) up, I ___________ (look) for work abroad.
3 Solar panels ___________ (not/work) if the sun ___________ (not/shine).
4 If we ___________ (not/replant) forests, there ___________ (be) less oxygen.
5 We ___________ (not/be able) to drive if there ___________ (not/be) any petrol.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 will be cleaner,use

2 goes up,will look

3won't work, doesn't shine

4 don't replant,will be

5 won't be able, isn't

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