Прямая и косвенная речь.
Переделать предложения из прямой в косвенную речь.

1. Ann Smith: “I am a teacher. I work at school.”
2. My friend asked: “Do you support the idea of a school uniform?”
3. My friend asked: “What do you think about introduction of a school dress code?”
4. The teacher said: “Write an essay about the problem of a school uniform.”
5. The teacher said: “Don’t forget to hand in your essays.”
6. She asked me: “Don’t close the window.”
7. They said to us: “Come at five o’clock tomorrow.”
8. My friend suggested to me: “I can bring you this book.”
9. Andy said: “I prefer CD books.”
10. Julia told: “We met Pete in the library yesterday.”
11. Jane wondered: “Who are you waiting here?”
12. Kate wanted to know: “Have you ever traveled abroad?”
13. Father said to us: “I’ll arrange everything for the trip next week.”
14. The boy told his mother: “I have been learning this poem for half an hour.”
15. Teacher asked: “Why are you late this morning?”


Ответ дал: spookyA


ann Smith said she was a teacher and she worked at school

my friend asked if I supported the idea...

my friend asked what I think about...

the teacher said we should write an essay...

и дальше по такому же типу

p.s. приложила таблицу с изменением времени в косвенной речи

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