Срочно!!!! 1/Поставьте слова в правильном порядкечто бы получить предложения. 1 )you .have .been. to. ever. Moscow.? 2)Flown. have. by. plane. ever. you. ? 3)May .you .cross. not. road. the. light. the .is. rad. when 4)knit. well .very .grandmother .can .my . 2 вставьте в предложения предлоги (on. in. at. for. of.) 1 )let’s meet ...... Monday......two o’clock 2)There is a monument.....front.....the Bolshoi Theatre . 3)This is present .....Becky don’t open it ! 4) We are going to write a test ..... Tuesday. 5) It is very cold..... December...Russia .


Ответ дал: janafil

Ответ: 1) have you ever been to Moscow?

2) have you ever flown by plane?

3) You may not cross the road when the light is red.

4) my grandmother can knit very well.

2 — 1) on, at, 2) in, of, 3) for, 4) on, 5) in, in


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