Put the words in the correct order.
  Example: your / What / subject / favourite / is / - What is you favourite subject.
1. last / wear / Did / year / school / uniform / you / ......................................................
2. Science / have / do / not / we / year / this/..................................................
3. have / autumn / When / you / will / holidais / your / ....................................
4 lessons / Do / often / miss / you / the / .................................
5. reading / stories / holiday / I   /  detective / on / enqoy/ ....................................
6, know / school / What / do / your / about / you / ..................
7. do/ do / you / What / IT lessons / in / .......................................


Ответ дал: dashamalina
1.did you wear school uniform last year?
2 we don't have science this year
3 when will you have your autumn holidays
4 do you often miss the lessons.?
5 I enjoy reading  detective stories on holiday
6what do you know about your school
7 what do you do in IT lessons

makar333: спасибо !!! мне это тоже помогло!!! ☺☺☺
dashamalina: пожалуйста))
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