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Ответ дал: katiakomar678

1. Helen, take the cards from Tom and put them on the shelf number 7, please.

2. Ted, please, take my magazine with this shelf, open it, find page 11 and read the article.

3. Is this article interesting or boring?

- She is short!

4. Give me, please cup and spoon, Pit.

5. Put your notebook and pen in bag, please.

6. Look at the frog in the river.

7. Give orange to this child.

8. Jane's puppy under the table.

9. Remove the newspaper from the table.

10. The table is at the window.

11. Is this bag green or blue? - He is green.

12. Ben artist. His pictures are beautiful. They are on the wall. Look at them.

13. Rings are in this beautiful box.

14. Take Phill's papers and get out of the room.

15. Is your pencil on a notebook or under notebook?

16. I'm with friends in Cafe.

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