1She ....... the house at 7 this morning.A is leaving B left C leaves2He can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving....... .A licence B park C ride3I ....... there before. It’s a very nice museum.A’ve goneB’ve beenCbe4Do you ....... watching a film tonight?AfancyBlikeCfeel5We .......supper when there was a power cut.Awere cooking BcookedCare cooking6....... from Canada!AGreetingsBRegardsCRemarks7He came ....... an old vase in the attic.AroundBacrossCout8As soon as we got to the campsite we put....... our tents.AonBintoCup9I think Renee Zellweger is very ....... .AnoisyBattractiveCgreat10I like the ....... of this song.Aspecial effectsBroleC lyrics11This film is quite ....... .Abored B boringCbore12Why would he make ....... such a story?Aup withBoutCup13You are what you .......!AseeBsleepCeat14....... fumes can be dangerous to our health.AAcidBToxicCAir15Look at that little boy! He ....... fall off hisbike.Ais going toBwillCis16Tina’s not here. She ....... out with her friends.AgoesBhas beenChas gone17Bob is very ....... . He would be an excellentteacher.Acurious BpatientCathletic18There are ....... of oranges in the fridge.Aa lot BanyCsome19I ....... at my mum’s shop for the next fewweeks.Awork Bam workingCworked20I only drink low- ....... milk when I’m on adiet.AbutterBfatCsalt21According ....... the critics, it is the scariestfilm of all time.AfromBwithCto22This coffee hasn’t got ....... sugar. I need toadd some more.Aa littleBmuchCsome23The waiter brought us the menu ....... we satdown.Aas soon as BthenCuntil24Brian took the video game ....... to the shopbecause it wasn’t working.AoffBbackCaway25We ran ....... bread, so I went to the bakery.AintoBout ofCover


Ответ дал: lera8364


1. left

2. licence

3. 've been

4. like

5. were cooking

6. Greetings

7. across

8. up

9. attractive

10. lyrics

11. boring

12. up

13. eat

14. toxic

15. is going to

16. has gone

17. patient

18. a lot of

19. am working

20. fat

21. to

22. much

23. as soon as

24. back

25. out


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