Put the verb in the right form: gerund with/without preposition or infinitive with to (active or passive).

1) They don’t allow us … to strangers. (talk)

2) The committee recommended the law … . (overrule)

3) We are only permitted … if they ask a question. (speak)

4) They were recommended … this article. (not publish)

5) My friends advised … a lawyer. (hire)

6) The UK continues … commerce. (succed)

7) The UK succeeds … one of the important commercial centres of the world. (remain)

8) The English people started … their national flag “the Union Jack” long ago. (name)

9) The Welsh people have the habit … their mother tongue. (speak)

10) … the thistle as the national emblem of Scotland, Scotsmen began to wear it on their jackets. (choose)


Ответ дал: Вашареклама


1) They don't allow us to talk to strangers

2) The committee recommended the law overruling.

3) We are only permitted to speak if they ask a question.

4) They were recommended not to publish this article.

5) My friend advised to hire a lawyer.

6) The UK continues succeeding commerce.

7) The UK succeds to remain one of the important...

8) The english people started naming

9) to speak


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