Task Ne 2. Use of English
Choose the correct item:
6. My mother the washing up every evening,
a) do b) does c) is doing
7. The woman shopping now.
a) goes b) is going c) go
8. We homework now.
a) do b) does c) are doing
9. They_to the theatre every Sunday.
a) go b) goes c) are going
10.1 a letter at the moment.
a) write b) am writing c) writing
11. The pupils poems two weeks ago.
a) translated b) translate c) translates
12. The often play at the stadium near here.
a) childs b) childrens c) children
13. There 30 pupils in our class last year.
a) were b) was
c) are
14. family is very nice.
a) You b) Your c) Yours
15. There isn't meat in the fridge.
a) any b) some c) no
16. Dennis ean sing but he.....draw.
a) isn't b) can't c) can
17. Dolphins ....with one eye open.
a) sleeps b) sleep e) is sleeping​


Ответ дал: sofiaperepadia1


6 b

7 b

8 c

9 a

10 b

11 a

12 c

13 a

14 b

15 a

16 b

17 b

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