Выберите 5 навыков и объясните почему вы выбрали именно их...
In pairs, choose five skills from the box you wish you had. Explain which you chose and why.
see in the dark
see the future
learn languages perfectly in a week
remember everything you read
change shape
become invisible
be incredibly strong
travel backwards and forwards in time
fly like a bird
swim like a fish
read people's thoughts
run like a cheetah
I wish I could fly like a bird because I would travel all over the world free!



Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 I wish I could run like a cheetah because I would win The World Championship in running.

2 I wish I could become invisible because I could go to the cinema without tickets.

3 I wish I could read people's thoughts because I would know when my teacher asked me.

4 I wish I could swim like a fish because I would swim with dolphins and whales.

5 I wish I could see the future because I would know my career.

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