Раскройте скобки, используя правильную форму условных предложений.

1 I wouldn’t have gone to Spain if I … that it was so expensive. (know)
2 I will help you if you …me. (help)
3 What would you do if you … a lot of money. (find)
4 I … you a present if I had known that it was your birthday. (buy)
5 I … football if I could. (play)
6 Do you think he … you if you ask him about it? (help)
7 If I… rich, I’d share my money with you. (be)
8 If I … enough money, I’ll buy a new car. (get)
9 If I had been Sue, I … to school yesterday.(go)
10 We’d have had more time to enjoy ourselves if we … so much homework. (not / have)
11 Julia will wash the dishes if you … . (help)
12 If my family hadn’t moved to the USA, I … to school to Italy. (go)

Пожалуйста, помогите!!!!


Ответ дал: zorbing


1. had known; 2. help; 3. found; 4. would have bought; 5. would play; 6. wil help; 7. were; 8. get; 9. would have gone; 10. hadn't had; 11. help; 12. would have gone

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