Turn from active into passive.
1. They are giving her a promotion.
2. A famous architect designed these buildings,
3Van Gogh painted this picture.
4. Three people must sign this form,
5. The Queen will open the exhibition
6. Lightning has struck the tree
7. You must complete this work today.
8. Fire destroyed the forest
9. You can improve your English with more study.
10. Scientists were examining the skeleton all through the night


Ответ дал: guliesonaliyeva00


1 A promotion is being gived to her by them.

2 These buildings were/are designed by a famous architect.

3 This picture was painted by Van Gogh.

4 This form must be signed by 3 people.

5 THe exhibition will be opened by the Queen.

6 The tree had been struck by lightning.

7 This work must be completed today

8 the forest was destroyed by fire

9 Your Englishwill be improved with more study.

10 The skeletonwas being examined by scientist all through the night.


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