8. Раскройте к скобки употребил глаголы в форме Present Perfect или
Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I (know) her since childhood. 2. The patient (have) this cough for three
weeks already. 3. It (snow) for a week already. 4. Luke (paint) this portrait
for a month. 5. The baby (be) ill since yesterday. 6. Mrs. Clark (try on)
hats all morning. 7. I (want) to ask you about it for a long time. 8. They
(celebrate) this event for three days already. 9. This house (belong) to my
family for more than thirty years. 10. The boys (fight) for an hour already!​


Ответ дал: billiecarter

1. I have known her since childhood. 2. The patient has had this cough for three

weeks already. 3. It has been snowing for a week already. 4. Luke has been painting this portrait for a month. 5. The baby has been ill since yesterday. 6. Mrs. Clark has been trying on hats all morning. 7. I have wanted to ask you about it for a long time. 8. They have been celebrating this event for three days already. 9. This house has belonged to my family for more than thirty years. 10. The boys have been fighting for an hour already!

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