Кто нибудь помогите с Writing, буду очень благодарен✌


kolya24004: Там нужно написать письмо)


Ответ дал: marinanasedkina


Dear Jill

Hello, i think that the most popular Russia holidays is going to cruise.

My favorite holiday was going to Sochi, because there was a lot of pools and a beach!

I celebrate it by going to beach, eat ice cream and sunbathin there.


<твоё имя>

bebilka: у меня лучше
Ответ дал: bebilka

Moscow, Russia


Dear Jill,

Thank you for your recent letters. It was nice to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written you before, because I was really busy with my project.

So, I really happy that you have already returned from China. I think that the most popular holiday in Russia is New Year, but my favourite holiday is Victory Day. At Victory Day my family do breakfast and then we are sitting at the table and watch victory parade.

Sorry, I have to finish now. My mom is calling me to help her.

Drop a line!


Bill (твоё имя)

100 слов

marinanasedkina: Это 1-4 классы, твой тянет на 5-6 классы..
bebilka: лол ты свой видела аахахха
bebilka: твой лучше
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