I.                    Put the verbs in the brackets in the appropriate form of the Passive Voice.


1. The house …. two years ago (to build).

2. … he … at the airport tomorrow (to meet)?

3. A number of priceless works of art …. in the earthquake (to destroy).

4. A new drug … to combat asthma in small children now (to develop).

5. The tennis court … so we couldn’t play (to use).


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1. The house was built two years ago (to build).
2. Will he meet at the airport tomorrow (to meet)?
3. A number of priceless works of art were destroyed in the earthquake (to destroy).

4. A new drug is being developed to combat asthma in small children now (to develop).
5. The tennis court was used so we couldn’t play (to use).

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