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Ответ дал: pleasehellpme

задание 5.

1. общий вопрос: Does he buy a lot of sweets? альтернативный вопрос: Does he buy a lot of sweets or cakes? специальный вопрос: When does he buy a lot of sweets? разделительный вопрос: He buys a lot of sweets, doesn't he?

следующие предложения буду просто писать через ";"

2. Do they have too many problems?; Do they have too many problems or affairs?; Why do they have too many problems?; They have too many problems, don't they?

3. Are you eating now?; Are you eating now or not?; What are you eating now?; You are eating now, aren't you?

4. Will she help you next time?; Will she help you next time or not?; When will she help you?; She will help you next time, won't she?

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