Помогите! Очень строчно!
Поставьте глаголы из скобок в нужное время с нужным артиклем.
u) Daviu (TIUL IU Tepall) his bicycle in a week.
6.a) My sister sometimes (to drink) coffee in the morn-
b) My sister (to drink) coffee now.
C) My sister (to drink) coffee five minutes ago.
d) My sister (to drink) coffee tomorrow morning.
7.a) His father usually (to drive) him to school.
b) His father (to drive) him to school now.
c) His father (to drive) him to school yesterday morn-
d) His father (to drive) him to school tomorrow morn-
8. a) The girl often (not to translate) texts from Russian
into English
b) The girl (not to translate) texts from Russian into
English now.​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

u , здесь набор слов просто ((


a drinks

b is drinking

c drank

d will drink


a drives

b is driving

c drove

d will drive


a translates

b is translating

helpilost: Спасибо. В этом и была проблема
slyuda1955: Ok
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