1)Would you like to go _____ cinema with us next week?
a. in the
b. to the
c. to

2)I've got some tickets ____ ballet. Shall we go?
a. for
b. for a
c. for the

3)Monica is a great _____.
a. art lover
b. lover of the art
c. arts lover

4)At the cinema I don't like sitting too near the _____.
a. stage
b. screen
c. film

5)The best ____ in the film is when Peter meets Cristina
a. act
b. scene
c. place

6)The audience enjoyed the play and they _____ for fifteen minutes
a. applauded
b. screamed
c. saluted

7)The average _____ watches television for about 15 hours a week
a. observer
b. spectator
c. viewer

8)I'm not in the mood _____ tonight.
a. for going
b. for going out
c. of going out

9)Hoe long have you been _____ this play?
a. practising
b. repeating
c. rehearsing

10)The _____ of the film was a traditional French village.
a. place
b. location
c. setting


Ответ дал: barkatova


1) b

2) c


4) b

5) b

6) a

7) c

8) b

9) c

10) b


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