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Ответ дал: amigo2112


1. Can I talk to you? - No, you can't. I am having a bath.

2. She listens to music every morning.

3. We don't like metal music, we prefer rock.

4. When he saw the accident yesterday, he helped the driver.

5. What are you doing? - I am looking for my glasses.

6. They always bring presents when they are visiting us.

7. When we were younger, we thought Prague was in France.

8. He didn't win the award in 2006.

9. That's typical! He wants to win every time he is participating in a competition.

10. Why did you bring that toy to school last week? - Because I wanted to show it to my classmates.

11. Be quiet, please. My children are trying to sleep.

12. They don't go to school at weekends.

13. Why do you believe him? He never tells the truth. He always lies.

14. She decided to visit London last month. She met interesting people, saw wonderful sights, and enjoyed herself a lot.

15. Where is she? I am waiting for her.

16. Do you know that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius?

17. My parents built the house in 1985.

18. He doesn't marry her because she broke up with him last year.

19. Look at her! She is sitting in the park over there. Isn't she wonderful?

20. Does he like the book he borrowed yesterday?

Good Luck!

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