Раскройте скобки,Употребляя Past Simple или Present Perfect.
a) (Wash) you dishes? - Not yet
b) I (not speak) with her for a long time.
c) He (live) in Moscow in year 1998.
d) I (lose) his address many years ago.
e) He just (hear) his friends' cry.

Мария200519: Если не сложно, отметь мой ответ, как лучший, пожалуйста)


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

a have you washed dishes?

b haven't spoken

c lived

d lost

e he has just heard...

Ответ дал: Мария200519

a) Have you washed dishes?

b) I haven’t spoken with her for a long time.

c) He lived in Moscow in 1998.

d) I lost his address many years ago.

e) He has just heard his friend’s cry.

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