Fill in the correct preposition or adverb.
1) There wasn't enough cake to go ROUND at the wedding .
2) My father has given ..... smoking.
3) I prefer tea ...... coffee.
4) Must people hope ..... a white Christmas.
5) No on langhed ..... the comedians jokes.
6) He made ..... an excuse to avoid her .
7) The ice on the roads called.... careful driving.
8) There has recently been an increase ..... the price of petrol.
9) The police are looking ..... the matter of the missing painting .
10) Don't be mean ..... your sister. Give her the book back, please !


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

2) My father has given up smoking.

3) I prefer tea to coffee.

4) Most people hope for a white Christmas.

5) No one laughed at the comedian's jokes.

6) He made up an excuse to avoid her .

7) The ice on the roads called for careful driving.

8) There has recently been an increase in the price of petrol.

9) The police are looking into the matter of the missing painting .

10) Don't be mean to your sister. Give her the book back, please !

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