Заранее огромное спасибо!!!
23 If I _____________________ (not/have) a car accident yesterday, I
__________________________ (not/take) to hospital.
24 I _______________________ (ask) Monica out for a meal, if she ____________________
(not/be) busy ____________________ (prepare) for a test now.
25 If people _________________ (not/like) ____________________ (scare), thousands of
horror films ____________________________ (not/produce).
26 We ________________________ (fail) the test unless/if we __________________ (study)
hard for the whole weekend.
27 I __________________ (leave) you my phone number in case /if you
_________________ (need) any help.
28 I wish I _______________ (go) to that conference. My boss
____________________________ (not/go on) at me now.
29 The burglar got in because you forgot ___________________ (shut) the window. If you
____________________ (not/leave) the ground floor window open for the night, your
house __________________________________(not/break into).
30 I wish I ______________________________ (have/ my teeth/ check) regularly in my
31 As long as you _______________________ (work) six hours a day, you
____________________ (get) this job __________________ (finish) on time.
32 (inversion)_____________ I _______________ (know) about their anniversary, I
______________________________ (buy) some flowers.
33 Supposing you _____________ (win) a trip to any place in the world
where______________ you ____________ (go)?
34 If a passer-by __________________ (not/take) me out of that burning car, I
_______________________ (not/be) alive.
35 I _______________ (buy) an extra bottle of wine in case the Stuarts _______________
(join) us for dinner.
36 I wish this thought _____________________ (stop) _______________ (haunt) me!
37 If Bill _______________________________ (practice) more, he
______________________________ (play) better at the concert last night.
38 I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean _____________________ (upset) you. If I really
__________________ (have) time yesterday, I _____________________________ (go)
shopping with you with great pleasure.
39 If I ______________________________ (not/scrape) through the exam last summer, I
______________________________________________ (be) expelled from school.40 The milk _______________________________________ (not/go) off, if you
___________________________________ (remember/put) it in the fridge.
41 If you ____________________________ (not/miss) the last flight, you
_____________________________________ (not/have to) spend the night at the airport.
42 Rosa was pleasant and easy to live with and she adored him, but Michael knew if she
___________ (die) or _________________(go away) he _____________________(get
along) without her. He simply_____________ (find) someone else to do the things she
did for him.
43 If Joan __________________ (see) him ______________ (wave) a farewell to her, she
________________________________ (wave) him back, I’m sure.
44 I ____________________________ (not / oversleep) yesterday, if I
______________________________ (have) an early night the day before yesterday.
45 We ___________________ (do) the sights of Edinburgh if we _____________________ (have)
more time. But unfortunately the guide hurried us to get on the bus.


Ответ дал: majergosa

23. Hadn’t had, would not be taken.

24. would ask, wasn’t, preparing

25. Didn’t like scaring, wouldn’t have been produced

26. Would have failed, hadn’t studied.

27. Will leave, need

28. Had gone, would not go on.

29. Shutting, hadn’t left, wouldn’t be broken into.

30. Had had my teeth checked.

31. Work, will get, finished

32. Had I known, would have bought

33. Won, would you go

34. Hadn’t taken, wouldn’t be

35. Will buy, join

36. Stopped haunting

37. Practiced, would have played.

38. To upset, had had, would have gone.

39. Hadn’t scraped, would be

40. Will went, dont remember to put.

41. Hadn’t missed, wouldn’t have to

42. Died, went, would get along, he would simply find

43. Had seen, waving, would have waved.

44. Wouldn’t have overslept, had had

45. Would have done, had had

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