Перевести на английский язык в пассивном залоге

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Ответ дал: Morandu


1. A lot of products were bought for dinner, now they need to be cooked. (Past Simple)

2. The delegation will be met tomorrow at the airport and will be brought to the best hotel. (Future Simple)

3. This writer’s novel has been published this year. (Present Perfect)

4. By the time the parents arrived, the apartment had been cleaned, and all the exercises had been done. (Past Perfect)

5. The report was being read by the author for two hours. (Past Continuous)

6. This book can’t be found in the library yet, it is still being printed. (Present Continuous)

7. By the end of the year the bridge over the river will have been built. (Future Perfect)


Mur3ik2000: Последних конечно не хватает, и в первом предложении два времени надо в скобках было указать. Спасибо огромное!
Morandu: Последние у тебя правильные, кроме held. Времена могу поставить.
Morandu: 1. Past Simple / Present Simple
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