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Put out – put off – put up at – put up with – put up:
1. I remembered a job I’d been … for some time. 2. I refuse to …. His carelessness any longer. 3. The firemen worked hard but were not able to … the fire. 4. The conference was … until next month. 5. They are tearing down that old building in order to … a new one. 6. Do you think we’ll be able to … this Youth Hostel?
Run out of – run across/into – run against – run down – run over:
1. It was on the second day that I … him sitting in a quiet corner on deck. 2. How did the bus driver happen to … that man? 3. You mustn’t hurry along a corridor with your head turned aside or back, otherwise you may … somebody and knock him down. 4. he’s just returned from an expedition, that’s why he is looking so … 5. It seems to me we … sugar. Will you go and buy half a kilo? 6. I … Mr. Smith in the park this morning. 7. What’s wrong with my watch? It’s not working. – I think it … . wind it up.
Give up – give in:
1. We found out that he … painting. 2. he is not the kind of man who is likely to …; he is sure to go on fighting. 3. The plan is unworkable, we’ve got to … it … . 4. She will never … the idea of working on her own; but for the time being, she may have to … to the demands of her boss.


Ответ дал: Morandu


Put out – put off – put up at – put up with – put up:

1.putting out  2.put up with  3.put out  4.put off  5.put up  6.put up at

Run out of – run across/into – run against – run down – run over:

1. ran into 2.run over 3.run against  4.ran down 5.have run out of 6. ran across  7. has ran down

give up – give in:

1.gave up 2.give in 3.give it up 4.give up/give in


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