Срочно 50 баллов!!! только 4 задание!
4.Преобразуйте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную:
1. The professor asked: “Does a computer need to be directed?”
2. The student answered: “The computer 'knows' absolutely nothing, not even how to accept or reject data.”
3. My friend asked: “When do computers malfunction or break down?”
4. The lecturer said: “Program the computer to calculate the average speed of a new car.”
5. The student said: “I shall complete the task next week.”


Аклам: Я могу ответить, если еще раз выложите
maxim6688: https://znanija.com/task/32559623
maxim6688: держи заранее Спасибо!


Ответ дал: Pro100Andrew


1) The professor asked if/whether a computer needed to be directed.

2) The student answered that the computer knew absolutely nothing, not even how to accept or reject data.

3) My friend asked me when computers malfunctioned or broke down.

4) The lecturer told us to program the computer to calculate the average speed of a new car.

5) The student said that he would complete the task the following week.

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