open the brackets using the necessary form of the adjective

1 the Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world
2 lron is (useful) of all metqls
3 The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River
4 Our house is (low) than yours
5 This exercise is (good) than the last one​


Ответ дал: TheGeniousEll
  1. The longest
  2. the most useful
  3. the widest ;the deepest
  4. lower
  5. better
Ответ дал: ktaranova06

1. The Trans-Siberian railway is the longest in the world

2. Iron is the most useful of all metals

3. The Neva is wider and deeper than Moskva River

4. Our house is lower than yours

5. This exercise is better than the last one

ktaranova06: Comparative form - сравнительная форма. Всегда ставишь -er, или если в слове более чем 3 слога, то ставишь more и оставляешь слово в обычной форме, например, more beautiful. Также perfect form, то есть превосходная форма. Ставишь the most, если более 3 слогов (the most important) или окончание -est, например, the biggest.
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